Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Interested in sport clubs?

Joining a sport club is a great way to meet new people, learn a new sport, or continue playing a sport you love. If you were a member of a sport club last year, you know the drill - complete your info online and then either print a waiver or wait until your first club practice to get one from an officer.

If you are a new to the club program, the easiest thing to do is contact the appropriate club officer to find out when your first practice is!

Getting on the club roster is super easy. Just find your club and then click the link:
That link will bring you to the club's member roster page. To add yourself as a member, click "member add":
And then complete all of the information. Be sure to use your full name and correct UID:

Your information will not show up on the CRS website until a waiver has been turned in to the sport club office, so you can either print a waiver and bring it to your first club practice, or just wait until your first practice and get a waiver from a club officer. If you'd like to print a waiver, click the "print a waiver" link:

Either way, be sure to turn in your completed waiver to a club officer. The club officers will bring all completed waivers to the sport club office, and your name should appear on the club roster within a few days.

Once your name has been added to the roster, it will look like this:

If you do not see your name on the roster within a few days of turning in your waiver, please check with the club officers to ensure that your waiver has been turned in to the sport club office. It is the responsibility of both you and your club officers to ensure that no one is practicing without a waiver on file!

Practices start on September 7. Get your information online now so you are ahead of the game!

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