Monday, August 30, 2010

Fun Team Building Opportunity!

Interested in doing some fun team building with your club, while at the same time participating in a great community service effort? Why not help out at the CRS Sprint Triathlon?

Volunteers are needed to help out with registration, handing out water to participants, and monitoring the course. the event date is Sunday, September 26, and all volunteers will receive t-shirts and snacks.

All sport club participants are encouraged to volunteer! Gather up a group of your teammates and make a day of volunteering and cheering on the triathlon participants. Email Kristin Legg, Triathlon Co-Coordinator, at for more details or to sign up for a volunteer shift.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome Back!

The summer is finally winding down and in less than a week classes will be back in session! The sport club staff is gearing up for another year of sport club fun - are you?

If you are a club officer, you have received a huge email with important dates, your schedule, and your budget for the 2010-2011 year. Please pass along pertinent information to your club members so everyone is on the same page for the start of the season.

Interested in joining a sport club this year? All you need to do for now is contact the club president and find out when the first practice or team meeting is - you'll get all the details at that practice or meeting.

Questions? Please email Katie Hagen, Assistant Director-Sport Clubs, at